Ultra-Compact Reconfigurable Antennas using Acoustic Resonance and Gravitational Mechanism for In-Body Communications

Project information
Project duration
Funded by
Research Council of Finland - Academy Research Fellow
Funding amount
576 310 EUR
Project coordinator
University of Oulu
Contact information
Project leader
- Associate Professor (Tenure Track)
Project description
Ensuring communication link reliability and energy efficiency for wireless capsule endoscopy is highly challenging due to their size and power restrictions. This limits the amount and complexity of electronics which can be integrated into them to overcome these challenges. Moreover, their operation in lossy tissue environments also increases the possibility of communication link failures when these capsules moves in-body in random orientations. An ultra-compact and reconfigurable antenna is needed for in-body communication devices. ULTRAGRAM aims to research such antennas which operates based on a fundamentally different, acoustic magnetoelectric (ME) resonance principle. With a potential of a significant size miniaturization without performance degradation, these antennas will be reconfigured using natural gravitational mechanism. Ultimately, such antennas will provide a cost- and resource-efficient solution in providing long-term reliable communication in medical diagnostic.