Wearable-measured activity behaviors in work and leisure domains and their combined associations with health


DOACT aims to investigate how occupational and leisure-time activity behaviors are related to cardiometabolic health, mental health, cardiovascular diseases, lifestyle-related cancers, and mortality risk among working-aged adults. The study uses data from the Northern Finland Birth Cohorts 1966 and 1986.


Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Research Council of Finland - Academy Project

Funding amount

420 000 EUR

Project coordinator

University of Oulu

Contact information

Project leader

Contact person

Other persons

  • Professor
    Raija Korpelainen
  • Leena Ala-Mursula

Project description

DOACT produces new knowledge about the independent roles of activity behaviors in leisure and occupational domains on health for the first time in a large population-based setting. The project will reveal how the amount and patterns of physical activity, sedentary time, and sleep during leisure time and at work associate with health.

The study population comprises more than 7,000 working-aged members of the Northern Finland Birth Cohorts 1966 and 1986. Detailed information on their activity behaviors, health and occupational factors have been collected through activity monitoring, clinical measurements and questionnaires.

DOACT project will use novel statistical methods to properly examine the codependent associations of 24-hour activity behaviors and health, including risk of cardiovascular disease, lifestyle related cancers, and disease mortality in midlife. This is especially important for occupational groups with demanding activity patterns, such as physically strenuous tasks or prolonged activities, like those performed by construction and healthcare workers. These activity patterns have been associated with lower levels of leisure-time physical activity and poor health.