Yritystankkaamo - communal space for entrepreneurs

The project establishes a communal space for entrepreperus called Yritystankkaamo in Laukaa and developes an operational model to strengthen the sense of community among businesses and business service providers.


Keski-Suomen liitto

Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Multiple sources

Funding amount

321 377 EUR

Project coordinator

Laukaan kunta

Contact information

Contact person

Project description

The Yritystankkaamo project will establish a communal space for businesses Yritystankkaamo in Laukaa and develop an operational model to enhance community building among businesses and business service providers.

Aimed at micro and small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), business leaders, employees, and actors within the business service network, the project is designing and testing a new kind of communal operating model. Its goal is to strengthen the sense of community, networking, peer support, innovation, adaptability, and well-being among businesses and business service providers.

Changes in the business environment, such as the green transition, digitalization, demographic shifts, and various international crises, have challenged the endurance of entrepreneurs in Laukaa and posed difficulties for business adaptability and survival. Yritystankkaamo provides solutions to these challenges.

Studies show that community-building and social capital networks enhance businesses' and entrepreneurs' problem-solving abilities, creativity, and innovation. Community-building can take place both within a company and between businesses and other stakeholders. Developing values, culture, and drivers that foster community both within companies and across networks of actors can ultimately lead to improved workplace well-being, which in turn boosts productivity, efficiency, interaction, and innovation.

Project results

As a result of the project, a community-building operational model and a digital networking platform will be developed. The project will experiment with and refine various communal working methods, organize training sessions, workshops, recreational activities, and peer support groups for businesses, develop innovative peer-learning methods through pair and group work, provide training for business service providers, and publish informational materials to support both internal community-building within businesses and broader community-building between businesses and business service providers. These activities will take place not only in the designated space in the center of Laukaa but also in other town centers within the municipality.

The project supports the renewal and diversification of the regional economy and business structure in Laukaa and Central Finland. It fosters industrial innovation and well-being by enhancing innovation expertise and activities, developing community-building and networked learning, promoting the development of new services and products, and strengthening the adaptability of entrepreneurs and businesses.

The project is implemented by the Municipality of Laukaa and the Kerttu Saalasti Institute of the University of Oulu.

The project duration is from September 1, 2023, to August 31, 2025, with a total budget of €321,377. The project is carried out by the business services of the Municipality of Laukaa and the Kerttu Saalasti Institute of the University of Oulu.

The Regional Council of Central Finland has granted funding for the project from the Just Transition Fund (JTF).