Registration when granted extension to study right

A student can apply for an extension to study right to complete their studies if they have not completed all the required courses within the targeted study right time. Upon receiving a positive decision on the extension, the student must register as present in their studies either through an OILI online service or by personally visiting the faculty's academic affairs services.

After recieving the positive decision for study right extension

If you have been granted an extension to complete your studies, you must register as present for your study right. Registration can be done either electronically through OILI registration service or in person at the Academic affairs services. You cannot pursue your studies unless you have registered as present. During the extension period, you cannot be registered as absent.

Register electronically through OILI

If the academic year registration period is ongoing, your study right continues uninterrupted and you have been registered as present or absent in the previous academic year, you can do the annual registration through OILI electronic service.

Registering in person at the Academic Affairs services

If the extension has been granted outside the academic year registration periods you have to register in person at the Academic Affairs services of your own Faculty. Also, register in person if your user account has expired due to the ending of the study right time, you are liable to pay tuition fee or if OILI registration is not possible for some reason.

Please note that you may be charged a re-registration fee if your study right time has ended and that is reactivated or if you have neglected to register during the original study period.