Biomedical Sensors and Measurement Systems

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Research group description
Adj. Prof. Teemu Myllylä leads the Biomedical Sensors and Measurement Systems Group in Optoelectronics and Measurement Techniques Research Unit. Our main interest is in development of new measurement methodologies and analysis techniques for medical research. We have strong expertise in biomedical sensors, instrumentation and multimodal measurement methods using various technologies.
Novel biomedical sensors
Several novel sensors and measurement systems designed by our group are utilized in brain research in many hospitals around the world. For instance, we are the first research group that has enabled measurements of blood pressure and cardiorespiratory signals in magnetic neuroimaging environments, particularly simultaneously with Magnetoencephalography (MEG), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and MR encephalography (MREG).
Development of multimodal human and animal sensing
To better understand physiological signals recorded in the macro-scale, we aim to gather information simultaneously in the micro-scale. To this end, we are developing, in collaboration with Biocenter Oulu, a scalable monitoring concept that enables monitoring physiological signals to investigate macro-scale effects in humans and rodents. In addition, the rodent setup includes micro-scale imaging techniques, such as photoacoustic imaging, and the possibility to use biomarkers and perform quantitative microscopic tissue analyses. This allows us to study correlations between mechanistic cellular data and clinical functional data. Importantly, it also lets us validate and optimize new macroscopic sensing and imaging techniques for humans.
One of our main focuses is on brain research and development of these related imaging techniques, also for wearable use. We combine existing state- of-the-art technologies and develop new brain sensing techniques. Currently, optical, capacitive and microwave based imaging techniques are under development.