Inorganic Chemistry

Model of extended crystal lattice. Image created by Marko Rodewald.

Research group information

Research group description

Inorganic Chemistry research group focuses on the synthesis and characterisation of new inorganic molecules to materials, and environmental inorganic chemistry issues related to energy production and water treatment.

Research Areas

Synthetic and Structural Inorganic Chemistry

Our expertise centres on the use of advanced molecular synthetic techniques and structural characterisation methods to

(i) prepare new coordination and organometallic complexes and chalcogen compounds for application in the areas of catalysis, optoelectronics and chemical bond activation, and

(ii) unravel reaction pathways using experimental and theoretical tools.

Research areas are:

  1. Chalcogen-nitrogen chemistry
  2. Organotellurium and -selenium compounds and their ligand chemistry
  3. Homo- and heteronuclear chalcogen molecules and ions
  4. Semi-conducting chalcogenide thin films
  5. New carbenes for chemical non-innocent and cooperative ligand behaviour: fundamental new reactivity
  6. Carbene complexes for the activation of small molecules and molecular catalysis
  7. Photophysical properties of carbenes for optoelectronic applications
  8. Preparation of potential new metallodrugs with anticancer activity demonstrating alternative modes-of-actions.

For research topics 1-4, contact Raija Oilunkaniemi and Risto Laitinen

For research topics 5-8, contact Daniela Bezuidenhout

Environmental Inorganic Chemistry

Research areas in Environmental Inorganic Chemistry are:

  1. Waste and mine water catalytic treatment and analysis by CE (Capillary Electrophoresis)
  2. Increase of the energy and material efficiency of cleaning process in dairy industry
  3. Solid fuel combustion and ash related problems (deposition on the surfaces of the boilers, bed material agglomeration, corrosion)
  4. Utilization of ash (e.g., geopolymers)

Contact Minna Tiainen for more information

Recent Publications



The inorganic chemistry laboratory at the University of Oulu is equipped for the preparation and handling of air- and moisture-sensitive compounds. Inert atmosphere glovebox facilities are available for the storage and handling for these sensitive chemicals.


Both a powder (Panalytical X’Pert PRO) and single crystal X-ray diffractometer (Bruker Nonius Kappaccd) are available in the Laboratories of Inorganic Chemistry.

The NMR laboratory is part of the Centre for Material Analysis and contains six Bruker NMR spectrometers of varied field strengths (Bruker Avance III DPX 200, 400, 600, DSX 300, and DRX 500), of which two are equipped with solid state apparatus and micro-imaging units. The NMR spectrometers are available and accessible for use at the University of Oulu as a service acquisition.

UV-Visible and FT-IR spectrometers are located in the Faculty of Technology Laboratories.

Elemental analyses (CHN combustion) and mass spectrometry equipment are housed at the Biocenter Oulu.

Water analysis

SCIEX P/ACETMMDQ plus Capillary Electrophoresis System equipped with UV and PDA Detectors. The analyser is located in the Faculty laboratory.

Research group members

Senior Research Fellow
Raija Oilunkaniemi
Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
Daniela Bezuidenhout
University lecturer
Minna Tiainen
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Doctoral Student
Hugo Boddaert
Sadia Tanweer

Aino Karhu

Postdoctoral researcher

Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Fellows and Visiting Scholars interested to join our group are encouraged to contact the senior staff members listed above, to discuss available positions and different funding opportunities.