Oulu Medical Imaging and Simulations group (OMIAS)

Our research group studies and develops medical imaging methods. With the methods, we aim to improve image quality, automate imaging and find new medical applications for imaging.

Research group information

Contact information

Research group leader

Research group description

Our research group conducts research related to cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and simulations. We are developing new MRI contrasts for cardiovascular imaging applications. The development extends from the clinical environment to preclinical and in vivo implementations. The MRI methods developed and validated by the group include new MRI contrasts, such as Relaxation Along Fictitious Field (RAFF). With the developed method, the extent of myocardial infarction can be assessed without contrast agents. In addition, we are developing automatic X-ray imaging.

The OMIAS group consists of experts in medical physics, chemistry and biomedical technology. Collaboration network includes several groups from US, Europe and Finland. The research is currently funded by grants from the Academy of Finland, the Northern Ostrobothnia Health District, and Finnish Foundation for Cardiovascular Research.