Oulu Autism Research Group

Research group information
Unit and faculty
Research group description
Oulu Autism Research Group in the Department of Child Psychiatry is part of the Research Unit of Clinical Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine. The Research Group consists of several researchers at the University and University Hospital of Oulu, child psychiatrists, education scientists, pediatrician, psychologists, radiologists and logopedists.
The research launched by professor emerita Irma Moilanen started in 1995 with epidemiological study of autism and ASD. Over the years the research has extended to include several different domains and subprojects. Oulu Autism Research Group works in collaboration with several international researchers and research units. The group received major funding from the Academy of Finland, the Alma and K. A. Snellman Foundation, the Thule Institute, the National Alliance for Autism Research, U.S., the Sigrid Juselius Foundation, the Finnish Brain Foundation and Emil Aaltonen foundation, among other sponsors.
With the aim to investigate the nature of ASD and relating features, also as basis for treatment and rehabilitation, group's comprehensive child and adolescent psychiatric study consists of different subprojects connective with each other.
- Register-based and epidemiological studies including prevalence, validity of screening and diagnostic methods, co-morbid neurological and psychiatric disorders
- Molecular genetic study of outpatients with ASD
- Emotions and social anxiety in ASD
- Communication in ASD
- Brain morphology and function in ASD, including studies using MRI, fMRI, ERP, SPECT, neuropsychological tests and tests for affect recognition
- Early detecting and interventions of Autism
- Follow up-study from childhood to young adulthood
Current Research Group
Principal investigators
Head of the group
Mirjami Mäntymaa MD, PhD, PI (since 2021)
Associate Professor of Child Psychiatry, Head of Department of Child Psychiatry
Research Unit of Clinical Medicine, Child Psychiatry
University and University Hospital of Oulu
e-mail mirjami.mantymaa(at)oulu.fi
Hanna Ebeling PhD, Co-PI, PI (2012-2021)
Emerita professor of Child Psychiatry
Research Unit of Clinical Medicine, Child Psychiatry
University of Oulu
e-mail hanna.ebeling(at)oulu.fi
Irma Moilanen PhD, Co-PI, PI (1998–2012)
Emerita professor of Child Psychiatry
Research Unit of Clinical Medicine, Child Psychiatry
University of Oulu
e-mail irma.moilanen(at)oulu.fi
Research group
Jaana Alakortes MD, PhD
Child psychiatrist
Special research interest: infant mental health and early interaction
e-mail jjalakortes(at)gmail.com
Katja Dindar PhD
Postdoctoral researcher
Research Unit of Logopedics, Faculty of Humanities
University of Oulu
Special research interest: social communication and social cognition in ASD
email katja.dindar(at)oulu.fi
Sherin Elsheikh MD, PhD
Child psychiatrist
Special research interest: ASD and ADHD in Egypt and Finland, inter-cultural comparisons
in collaboration with University of AinShams, Cairo
Tuula Hurtig PhD
Associate Professor, University Lecturer
Research Unit of Clinical Medicine, Psychiatry, Child Psychiatry, University of Oulu
Child Psychiatry, University Hospital of Oulu
Special research interest: neuropsychiatric disorders in children and adolescents
e-mail tuula.hurtig(at)oulu.fi
Leena Joskitt MSc
Research Unit of Clinical Medicine, Child Psychiatry
University and University Hospital of Oulu
e-mail leena.joskitt(at)oulu.fi
Maria Junttila MA, PhD student
Primary school teacher, Oulu
Research Unit of Clinical Medicine, Child Psychiatry
University and University Hospital of Oulu
Special research interests: Victimization and life management of children and youth with ASD
e-mail maria.johanna.junttila(at)gmail.com
Katja Jussila PhD
Division of Psychology, VISE, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Oulu
Research Unit of Clinical Medicine, Child Psychiatry, University of Oulu
Special research interest: social responsiveness and diagnostics
e-mail katja.jussila(at)oulu.fi
Marko Kielinen PhD
University lecturer in special education, senior researcher
Department of Educational Sciences and Teacher Education, Clinic of Child Psychiatry
University and University Hospital of Oulu
Special research interest: epidemiology, education, associated medical disorders, treatment, care and interventions of ASD
e-mail marko.kielinen(at)oulu.fi
Aija Kotila, MA, DI, PhD
Speech and language therapist, researcher
Research Unit of Logopedics, Faculty of Humanities
University of Oulu.
Special research interest: socio-pragmatic comprehension and related fMRI analysis methods
e-mail aija.kotila(at)oulu.fi
Sanna Kuusikko-Gauffin PhD
Psychologist, senior researcher
Research Unit of Clinical Medicine, Child Psychiatry, University of Oulu
Special research interest: co-morbid anxiety, ASD on family level
e-mail sanna.kuusikkogauffin(at)gmail.com
Seppo Laukka PhD
Adjunct Professor
Faculty of Education
University of Oulu
e-mail seppo.laukka(at)oulu.fi
Soile Loukusa PhD
Speech and language therapist, Academy research fellow
Research Unit of Logopedics, Faculty of Humanities
University of Oulu
Special research interest: social and pragmatic communication in ASD
e-mail soile.loukusa(at)oulu.fi
Marja-Leena Mattila PhD
Pediatrician, senior researcher
Clinic of Child Psychiatry
Research Unit of Clinical Medicine, Child Psychiatry, University of Oulu
Special research interest: epidemiology
e-mail marja-leena.mattila(at)hotmail.com
Leena Mäkinen PhD
Speech and language therapist, senior researcher
Research Unit of Logopedics, Faculty of Humanities
University of Oulu.
Special research interest: narrative language in ASD
e-mail leena.makinen(at)oulu.fi
Laura Mämmelä PsM
Jyri-Johan Paakki PhD student
Radiologist (musculoskeletal and general radiology)
Department of Diagnostic Radiology
University and University Hospital of Oulu
Special research interest: fMRI imaging and analysis methods in ASD
e-mail jyri-johan.paakki(at)ppshp.fi
Jukka Rahko MD, PhD student
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Research Unit of Clinical Medicine, Child Psychiatry, University of Oulu
Clinic of Child Psychiatry, University Hospital of Oulu
Special research interest: fMRI findings in ASD
e-mail jukka.rahko(at)ppshp.fi
Previous Researchers
Minna Dahlström MD
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
University Hospital of Oulu
Special research interest: single photon emission tomography in child and adolescent psychiatric disorders
Susanna Kovaniemi MD, PhD student
Clinic of Child Psychiatry
University Hospital of Oulu
Helena Miettunen (nee Haapsamo) PhD
Speech and language therapist
Special research interest: early interaction and communication in infants
Katja Larinen MA
Clinic of Child Psychiatry
University and University Hospital of Oulu
Sirkka-Liisa Linna PhD
Adjunct Professor of Child Psyhiatry
Linda Lönnqvist MD, PhD student
Speech and language therapist
Cognitive Brain Research Unit, Institute of Behavioural Sciences
University of Helsinki
Juha Nikkinen PhD
Adjunct Professor, Chief physicist
Department of Radiotherapy and Oncology
University Hospital of Oulu
Tuomo Starck PhD
Assistant medical physicist
Department of Diagnostic Radiology
University Hospital of Oulu
Rachel Pollock-Wurman PhD
Psychology Associates of South Florida and Massachusetts General Hospital, USA
Collaborating in anxiety research of ASD.
Anneli Yliherva PhD
Adjunct Professor, senior lecturer, speech and language therapist
Child Language Research Center, Logopedics, Faculty of Humanities
University of Oulu
Special research interest: early recognition of ASD
Sven Bölte PhD
Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric
Head of Unit at the KI Center of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (KIND)
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Collaborating in emotion recognition studies and fMRI in ASD
Alice Carter PhD
Professor of Psychology
University of Massachusetts, Boston
Collaborating in early recognition in ASD
Ilaria Gabbatore, Phd
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Psychology, University of Turin
Collaborating in communication studies
Eira Jansson-Verkasalo PhD
Adjunct Professor, senior researcher
University of Turku, Finland.
Research: Central auditory processing, Event related potentials (ERP).
Robert M Joseph PhD
Assistant Professor in Anatomy and Neurobiology and in Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine
Adjunct Assistant Professor in Psychological and Brain Sciences, Boston University.
Special research interest: developmental cognitive neuroscience, autism spectrum disorder, preterm birth.
Ville Jäntti MD, PhD
Adjunct Professor in Neurophysiological Technology
Tampere University of Technology, Finland.
Research: Cognitive anesthesiology, Event related potentials
Vesa Kiviniemi PhD
Adjunct Professor of Diagnostic Radiology
Department of Radiology
University Hospital of Oulu
Pirjo Korpilahti PhD
Emerita Professor of Logopedics
Department of Psychology and Speech-Language Pathology
University of Turku, Finland.
Eeva Leinonen, Phd
Professor, Vice Chancellor
Murdoch University, Perth
Western Australia
David Pauls PhD
Professor of Behavioral Genetics
Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Leader of the genetic research on ASD
Doctoral theses
Paakki, Jyri-Johan (2023). BOLD fMRI detectable alterations of brain activity in children and adolescents on the autism spectrum. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis.
Elsheikh, Sherin (2023). Neuropsychological performance, emotion recognition, and comorbid ADHD in Egyptian children with autism spectrum disorder. A comparison between Egyptian and Finnish children with autism spectrum disorder. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis.
Kotila, Aija (2022). Neural basis of socio-pragmatic understanding in young adults on the autism spectrum. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis.
Raatikainen, Ville (2021). Dynamic lag analysis of human brain activity propagation : a fast fMRI study. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis.
Jussila Katja (2019). On the autism spectrum? : recognition and assessment of quantitative autism traits in high-functioning school-aged children. An epidemiological and clinical study. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis.
Alakortes Jaana (2018). Social-emotional and behavioral development problems in 1 to 2-year-old children in Northern Finland. Reports of mothers, fathers and healthcare professionals. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis.
Starck Tuomo (2014). Dimensionality, noise separation and full frequency band perspectives of ICA in resting state fMRI : investigations into ICA in resting state fMRI. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis.
Mäkinen Leena (2014). Narrative language in typically developing children, children with specific language impairment and children with autism spectrum disorder. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis
Mattila Marja-Leena (2014). Autism spectrum disorders. An epidemiological and clinical study. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis.
Haapsamo Helena (2012). A follow-up study of children´s communicative development. Associations to Social-Emotional and behavioural Problems and Competences and Experienced Maternal Stress. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis.
Kuusikko-Gauffin Sanna (2011). Social anxiety and emotion recognition in autism spectrum disorders. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis. D 1086. University of Oulu. Tampere: Juvenes Print.
Loukusa Soile (2007). The Use of Context in Pragmatic Language Comprehension in Normally Developing Children and Children with Asperger Syndrome/High-Functioning Autism. An Application of Relevance Theory. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, B80. University of Oulu.
Kielinen Marko (2005). Autism in Northern Finland. A prevalence, follow-up and descriptive study of children and adolescents with autistic disorder. Doctoral dissertation. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, D 813. Oulu: Oulu University Press.
Jansson-Verkasalo Eira (2003). Auditory event-related potentials as indices of language impairment in children born preterm and with Asperger syndrome. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis. B 54.
Original publications with referee and other publications from the year 2000
Pirinen, V., Loukusa, S., Eggers, K., Sivonen, J., Mäkinen, L., Mämmelä, L., Ebeling, H., Mattila, M-L. and Hurtig, T. Could linguistic and cognitive factors, degree of autistic traits and sex predict speech disfluencies in autistic young adults and controls? Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics (2024). https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:oulu-202405304091
Pirinen, V., Eggers, K., Dindar, K., Helminen, T., Kotila, A., Kuusikko-Gauffin, S., Mäkinen, L., Ebeling, H., Hurtig, T., Mäntymaa, M., Loukusa, S. Associations between social anxiety, physiological reactivity, and speech disfluencies in autistic young adults and controls. Journal of Communication Disorders, 2024 Apr 2;109:106425. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcomdis.2024.106425. Online ahead of print.
Junttila, M., Jussila, K., Joskitt L., Ebeling, H., Kielinen M., Loukusa S., Miettunen J., Mäntymaa M. & Mattila, ML. (2023) Factor analysis of the autism spectrum screening questionnaire in a population-based child sample, Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, https://doi.org/10.1080/08039488.2023.2225060
Junttila, M., Kielinen, M., Jussila, K., Joskitt, L., Mäntymaa, M., Ebeling, H. & Mattila, ML. (2023). The traits of Autism Spectrum Disorder and bullying victimization in an epidemiological population. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00787-023-02228-2.
Loukusa, S., Gabbatore, I., Kotila, A., Dindar, K., Mäkinen, L., Leinonen, E., Mämmelä, L., Bosco, FM., Jussila, K., Ebeling, H., Hurtig, T., Mattila, ML. Non-linguistic comprehension, social inference and empathizing skills in autistic young adults, young adults with autistic traits and control young adults: Group differences and interrelatedness of skills. Int J Lang Commun Disord. 2023;1–15. https://doi.org/10.1111/1460-6984.12848
Pirinen, V., Loukusa, S., Dindar, K., Mäkinen, L., Hurtig, T., Jussila, K., Mattila, ML., Eggers, K. A. Comprehensive Analysis of Speech Disfluencies in Autistic Young Adults and Control Young Adults: Group Differences in Typical, Stuttering-Like, and Atypical Disfluencies. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. Accepted November 13, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1044/2022_JSLHR-22-00265
Dindar, K., Loukusa, S., Leinonen, E., Mäkinen, L., Mämmelä, L., Mattila, ML., Ebeling, H., Hurtig, T. Autistic adults and adults with sub-clinical autistic traits differ from control adults in freely produced social-pragmatic inferencing and narrative discourse. Autism. 2022; Nov 23:13623613221136003. https://doi.org/10.1177/13623613221136003
Dindar, K., Loukusa, S., Helminen, T., Mäkinen, L., Siipo, A., Laukka, S., Rantanen, A., Mattila, ML., Hurtig, T., Ebeling, H. Social-pragmatic inferencing, visual social attention and physiological reactivity to complex social scenes and their interplay with autistic traits in autistic and control young adults. J Autism Dev Disord 2022;52(1):73–88. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-021-04915-y
Yliherva, A. & Suvilehto K. (2022). Tetti ja kaverit. Lasten tarinallinen, kuvitettu tietokirja. Atrain & Nord.
Quentin Guillon, Sophie Baduel, lvaro Bejarano Martin, Ricardo Canal-Bedia, Maria Magan‐ Maganto, Clara Fernandez Alvarez, Maria Victoria Martin-Cilleros , Maria Cruz Sanchez‐ Gomez, Patricia Garcia Primo, Mary Rose-Sweeney, Andrew Boilson, Renata Linertova, Herbert Roeyers, Sara Van der Paelt, Diana Schendel, Christine Warberg, Susanne Cramer, Antonio Narzisi, Filippo Muratori, Maria Luisa Scattoni, Irma Moilanen, Anneli Yliherva, Evald Saemundsen, Sigridur Loa Jonsdottir, Magdalena Efrim-Budisteanu, Aurora Arghir, Sorina Mihaela Papuc, Astrid Vicente, Celia Rasga, Johanna Xenia Kafka, Luise Poustka, Oswald D. Kothgassner, Rafal Kawa, Ewa Pisula, Tracey Sellers, Manuel Posada de la Paz, Bernadette Rogé (2022). Determinants of satisfaction with the detection process of autism in Europe: Results from the ASDEU study. Autism : the international journal of research and practice, 13623613221080318. https://doi.org/10.1177/13623613221080318
Martina Micai, Francesca Fulceri, Tommaso Salvitti, Giovanna Romano, Luise Poustka, Robert Diehm, Georgi Iskrov, Rumen Stefanov, Quentin Guillon, Bernadette Rogé, Anthony Staines, Mary Rose Sweeney, Andrew Martin Boilson, Thora Leósdóttir, Evald Saemundsen, Irma Moilanen, Hanna Ebeling, Anneli Yliherva, Mika Gissler, Tarja Parviainen, Pekka Tani, Rafal Kawa, Eva Pisula, Astrid Vicente, Célia Rasga, Magdalena Budisteanu, Ian Dale, Carol Povey, Noelia Flores, Cristina Jenaro, Maria Luisa Monroy, Patricia García Primo, Tony Charman, Susanne Cramer, Christine Kloster Warberg, Ricardo Canal-Bedia, Manuel Posada, Diana Schendel and Maria Luisa Scattoni (2022). Autistic Adult Services Availability, Preferences, and User Experiences: Results From the Autism Spectrum Disorder in the European Union Survey. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, 919234. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2022.919234
Martina Micai, Antonio Ciaramella, Tommaso Salvitti, Francesca Fulceri, Laura Maria Fatta, Luise Poustka, Robert Diehm, Georgi Iskrov, Rumen Stefanov, Quentin Guillon, Bernadette Rogé6 · Anthony Staines7 · Mary Rose Sweeney7 · Andrew Martin Boilson, Thora Leósdóttir, Evald Saemundsen, Irma Moilanen, Hanna Ebeling, Anneli Yliherva, Mika Gissler, Tarja Parviainen, Pekka Tani, Rafal Kawa, Astrid Vicente, Célia Rasga, Magdalena Budişteanu, Ian Dale, Carol Povey, Noelia Flores, Cristina Jenaro, Maria Luisa Monroy, Patricia García Primo, Tony Charman, Susanne Cramer, Christine Kloster Warberg, Ricardo Canal‑Bedia, Manuel Posada, Maria Luisa Scattoni, Diana Schende (2021). Intervention Services for Autistic Adults: An ASDEU Study of Autistic Adults, Carers, and Professionals’ Experiences. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 52(4), 1623-1639. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-021-05038-0
Maria Luisa Scattoni, Martina Micai, Antonio Ciaramella, Tommaso Salvitti, Francesca Fulceri, Laura Maria Fatta, Luise Poustka, Robert Diehm, Georgi Iskrov, Rumen Stefanov, Quentin Guillon, Bernadette Rogé, Anthony Staines, Mary Rose Sweeney, Andrew Martin Boilson, Thora Leósdóttir, Evald Saemundsen, Irma Moilanen, Hanna Ebeling, Anneli Yliherva, Mika Gissler, Tarja Parviainen, Pekka Tani, Rafal Kawa, Astrid Vicente, Célia Rasga, Magdalena Budişteanu, Ian Dale, Carol Povey, Noelia Flores, Cristina Jenaro, Maria Luisa Monroy, Patricia García Primo, Tony Charman, Susanne Cramer, Christine Kloster Warberg, Ricardo Canal‑Bedia, Manuel Posada, Diana Schendel (2021). Real-World Experiences in Autistic Adult Diagnostic Services and Post-diagnostic Support and Alignment with Services Guidelines: Results from the ASDEU Study. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 51(11), 4129-4146. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-021-04873-5
Martina Micai, Antonio Ciaramella, Tommaso Salvitti, Francesca Fulceri, Laura Maria Fatta, Luise Poustka, Robert Diehm, Georgi Iskrov, Rumen Stefanov, Quentin Guillon, Bernadette Rogé, Anthony Staines, Mary Rose Sweeney, Andrew Martin Boilson, Thora Leósdóttir, Evald Saemundsen, Irma Moilanen, Hanna Ebeling, Anneli Yliherva, Mika Gissler, Tarja Parviainen, Pekka Tani, Rafal Kawa, Astrid Vicente, Célia Rasga, Magdalena Budisteanu, Ian Dale, Carol Povey, Noelia Flores, Cristina Jenaro, Maria Luisa Monroy, Patricia García Primo, Tony Charman, Susanne Cramer, Christine Kloster Warberg, Ricardo Canal-Bedia, Manuel Posada, Maria Luisa Scattoni & Diana Schendel (2021). Autistic Adult Health and Professional Perceptions of It: Evidence From the ASDEU Project. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12, 614102. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.614102
Dindar, K., Loukusa, S., Helminen, T. M., Mäkinen, L., Siipo, A., Laukka, S., Rantanen A., Mattila M-L, Hurtig T & Ebeling, H. (2021). Social-Pragmatic Inferencing, Visual Social Attention and Physiological Reactivity to Complex Social Scenes in Autistic Young Adults. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 52(1), 73-88. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-021-04915-y
Frick, M., Loukusa, S., Dindar, K., Mäkinen, L., Mattila, M., Ebeling, H. & Hurtig, T. (2021). Miten autismikirjon henkilöt ja verrokit kuvailevat ja esittävät toisen henkilön ajatuksia? Puhe ja Kieli, 41(1), 23-41. https://doi.org/10.23997/pk.107690
Kotila, A., Tohka, J., Kauppi, J., Gabbatore, I., Mäkinen, L., Hurtig, T. M., Ebeling, H., Korhonen V., Kiviniemi V. J., & Loukusa, S. (2021). Neural-level associations of non-verbal pragmatic comprehension in young Finnish autistic adults. International journal of circumpolar health, 80(1), 1909333. https://doi.org/10.1080/22423982.2021.1909333
Kotila, A., Järvelä, M., Korhonen, V., Loukusa, S., Hurtig, T., Ebeling, H., Kiviniemi V. & Raatikainen, V. (2021). Atypical Inter‐Network Deactivation Associated With the Posterior Default‐Mode Network in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism research, 14(2), 248-264. https://doi.org/10.1002/aur.2433
Loukusa, S., Kotila, A., Mattila, M., Ylämäki, M., Joskitt, L., Moilanen, I., Ebeling, H., & Hurtig, T. (2021). Autismikirjon osamäärä (AQ) autismikirjon piirteitä seulomassa: Seulontalomakkeen erottelukyky nuorilla aikuisilla. Puhe ja Kieli, 41(1), 91-112. https://doi.org/10.23997/pk.107693
Paakki, J., Rahko, J. S., Kotila, A., Mattila, M., Miettunen, H., Hurtig, T. M., Jussila, K., Kuusikko-Gauffin, S., Moilanen, I. Tervonen, O., & Kiviniemi, V. J. (2021). Co‐activation pattern alterations in autism spectrum disorder–A volume‐wise hierarchical clustering fMRI study. Brain and behavior, 11(6), e02174-n/a. https://doi.org/10.1002/brb3.2174
Raatikainen, V., Korhonen, V., Borchardt, V., Huotari, N., Helakari, H., Kananen, J., Raitamaa, L., Joskitt, L., Loukusa, S., Hurtig, T., Ebeling, H., Uddin, Lucina & Kiviniemi, V. (2020). Dynamic lag analysis reveals atypical brain information flow in autism spectrum disorder. Autism research, 13(2), 244-258. https://doi.org/10.1002/aur.2218
Jussila, K., Junttila M., Kielinen, M., Ebeling, H., Joskitt, L., Moilanen I., Mattila, M-L. (2019). Sensory Abnormality and Quantitative Autism Traits in Children With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder in an Epidemiological Population. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-019-04237-0
Van Kessel, R., Walsh, S., Ruigrok, A., Holt, R., Yliherva, A., Kärnä, E., Moilanen, I., Hjorne, E., Johansson, S.T., Schendel, D., Pedersen, L., Brayne, C., Baron-Cohen, S. & Roman-Urrestarazu, A. (2019). Autism and the Right to Education in the EU: Policy Mapping and Scoping Review of Nordic Countries Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. Molecular Autism. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13229-019-0290-4
Bejarano-Martín, A., Canal-Bedia, R., Magán-Maganto, M., Fernández-Álvarez, C., Martín-Cilleros, M.V., Cruz Sánchez-Gómez, M., García-Primo, P., Rose-Sweeney, M., Boilson, A., Linertová, R., Roeyers, H., Van der Paelt, S., Schendel, D., Warberg, C., Cramer, S., Narzisi. A., Muratori, F., Scattoni, M. L., Moilanen, I., Yliherva, A., Saemundsen, E., Jonsdóttir, S.L., Efrim-Budisteanu, M., Arghir, A., Mihaela-Papuc, S., Vicente, A., Rasga, C., Rogé, B., Guillon, Q., Baduel, S., Xenia-Kafka, J., Poustka, L., Kothgassner, O.D., Kawa; R., Pisula, E., Sellers, T. & Posada de la Paz, M. (2019). Early Detection, Diagnosis and Intervention Services for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the European Union (ASDEU): Family and Professional Perspectives. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-019-04303-7
Gabbatore, I., Bosco, F. M., Mäkinen, L., Ebeling, H., Hurtig, T. & Loukusa, S. (2019). Investigating pragmatic abilities in young Finnish adults using the Assessment Battery for Communication. Intercultural Pragmatics, https://doi.org/10.1515/ip-2019-0002.
Yliherva, A., Moilanen, I., Ebeling, H., Parviainen, T., Gissler, M. & Tani, P. (2018). Autism in Finland. Network Autism 24.01.2018. https://network.autism.org.uk/knowledge/insight-opinion/autism-finland
Yliherva, Anneli; Rantala, Leena; Ebeling, Hanna; Gissler, Mika; Parviainen, Tarja; Tani, Pekka; Moilanen, Irma (2018). Autismikirjon häiriön varhainen tunnistaminen ja diagnosointi Suomessa - perheiden näkemys. - Duodecim 134 (20), 2047-2054. https://www.duodecimlehti.fi/lehti/2018/20/duo14558
Kuusikko-Gauffin, S., Elsheikh S., Bölte S., Omar M., Riad R., Ebeling H., Rautio A. Moilanen I. K. (2018). Emotion recognition from the eye region in children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder in Arab and Scandinavian countries. Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology, vol. 6, 4, ISSN (Online) 2245-8875, https://doi.org/10.21307/sjcapp-2018-015.
Yliherva, Anneli; Rantala, Leena; Ebeling, Hanna; Gissler, Mika; Parviainen, Tarja; Tani, Pekka; Moilanen, Irma (2018). Mitä perheet ajattelevat varhaisen autismikirjon tunnistamisesta ja diagnosoinnista Suomessa?. - Autismi 27 (3), 26-27.
Mäkinen, L., Loukusa, S. & Kunnari, S. (2018). Tyypillisesti kehittyneiden lasten ja lasten, joilla on kielellinen erityisvaikeus tai autismikirjon häiriö, suoriutuminen Edmonton Narrative Norms Instrument (ENNI) –kerrontatestissä. Puhe ja kieli, 1, 23–40.
Loukusa S., Mäkinen, L., Moilanen, I., Kuusikko-Gauffin, S., Ebeling, H. & Leinonen, E. (2018). Assessing social-pragmatic inference skills in children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Communication Disorders, 73, 91–105. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcomdis.2018.01.006
Loukusa, S. (2018). Sosiaalisen kommunikaation piirteet autismikirjon henkilöillä. Autismi, 1, 36–37.
Magán-Maganto, M. , Jónsdóttir, S.L., Sánchez-García, A.B., García-Primo, P., Hellendoorn, A., Charman, T. , Roeyers, H., Dereu, M., Moilanen, I., Muratori, F., de la Paz, M., Rogé, B., Oosterling, I.J., Yliherva, A., Canal-Bedia, R. (2017). Building a theoretical framework for autism spectrum disorders screening instruments in Europe. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 23, No. 4, 2018, pp. 359-367. https://doi.org/10.1111/camh.12256
Kawa, Rafal; Saemundsen, Evald; Jonsdottir, Sigridur Loa; Hellendoorn, Annika; Lemcke, Sanne; Canal-Bedia, Ricardo; Garcia-Primo, Patricia; Moilanen, Irma (2017) European studies on prevalence and risk of autism spectrum disorders according to immigrant status-a review. - European Journal of Public Health 27 (1), 101-110 . https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28013245
Loukusa, S. & Mäkinen, L. (2017). Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) pienten autismikirjon lasten kuntoutusmenetelmä. Autismi, 1, 46–47.
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