Periodontal diseases and systemic health
Research group information
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Research group leader
- ProfessorPekka Ylöstalo
Research group description
Commonly accepted risks for periodontal diseases explain only partially the individual susceptibility to periodontal diseases. We focus on novel risk factors, which predispose individual to periodontal diseases or protect against them (medications, genetic factors, metabolic syndrome, obesity impaired glucose tolerance etc.). The project will generate knowledge on the role of non-oral health, systemic conditions and medications in the development or progression of periodontal diseases. As periodontal diseases are infectious diseases with inflammatory component, another focus is study the role of periodontal diseases in the development of systemic diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus or Alzheimer’s disease. This line of research generates knowledge for the treatment and prevention of certain non-oral inflammatory diseases.
- Professor emeritus Matti Knuuttila, University of Oulu
- Professor Johannes Kettunen, University of Oulu
- Professor Antti Jula, National Institute of Public Health and Welfare
- Professor Sirpa Hartikainen, University of Eastern Finland
- DDS, PhD Kaija Komulainen, University of Eastern Finland
- Professor Liisa Suominen, University of Eastern Finland
- DDS, PhD Saxlin Tuomas, University of Eastern Finland