Printed Intelligence
Research group information
Contact information
Research group leader
- ProfessorTapio Fabritius
Contact person
Research group description
Printed or printable intelligence is a fast-developing area of technology in modern world. As it requires knowledge in natural sciences such as chemistry and physics as well as engineering, collection of experts in Optoelectronics and Measurements Techniques unit, in collaboration with local and international academic and industrial partners paves, the way for new breakthroughs and streamlines them into production.
We employ and develop different methods for design, fabrication and characterization of pilot products.
Our group is a member of PrintoCent - Center for business development in the area of Printed Intelligence.
Research topics in brief:
- Printed electronics and structural electronics process development
- Characterization and simulation assisted quality inspection (especially inline compatible methods)
- Reliability testing and simulation based failure mechanism analysis
Keywords: Batteries, Organic light emitting transistors and diodes, Organic photovoltaics, Printable optics, Optical characterizing methods, Sensors, Testing techniques