Biodiverse Anthropocenes

We organize a range of academic and public activities, such as seminars, lectures, workshops and conferences; engage with societal institutions through citizen science activities; establish an international visiting scholar programme; and recruit a number of new tenure-track professors and postdocs to the University. We center our research around four core themes:
- Transformations and Adaptations (ANT 1)
- Multispecies Worlds (ANT 2)
- Innovating Approaches and Methodologies (ANT 3)
- Envisioning Sustainability (ANT 4)
Together, these themes address the critical topics of multiple pressures creating biodiversity loss; the responses of species, communities and ecosystems to ecological challenges; creative development and use of research methods for examining human-environmental systems; and speaking with and listening to the public to use scientific knowledge to enhance sustainable and ethical practices.
Our thematic activity leaders
Alberto Amore
Anna Krzywoszynska
Heikki Helanterä
Mathilde van den Berg
Maria-Helena Saari
Thora Herrmann
Stefan Prost

The University of Oulu's Biodiverse Anthropocenes research programme has one ongoing visiting scholar programmes:
- VisitANTS Come-and-GOulu Grants
VisitANTS Come-and-GOulu Grants
These grants are available to scholars who wish to visit the University of Oulu and have found a host here, or ANTS members who would like to visit another academic institution in Finland or abroad. Visits can be funded for periods between 2 weeks to 3 months. DL: Rolling deadline.
Biodiverse Anthropocenes is interested in hosting researchers with research projects about the environment and society. We can offer a dynamic, transdisciplinary environment and the ability to work closely with any number of our affiliated scholars, who comprise a range of disciplines, fields and focuses.
Researchers in Biodiverse Anthropocenes benefit from being part of a vibrant international research community. This includes funding opportunities, research and community activities, regular group meetings across four active Research Hubs, guest lectures, visiting fellows, and excellent support structures.
If you are interested in being hosted by the University of Oulu, please contact coordinator Carolina De la Rosa for more information.