Call for proposals - HBS-DP Course Funding

Health and Biosciences Doctoral programme - Internal Call for Proposals for Field Specific Courses and other Doctoral Training Activities 2024

Health and Biosciences Doctoral Programme (HBS-DP) will allocate funding to be used during the year 2024 to organize doctoral training courses or other training activities within the following Doctoral Degree Programmes: Medicine, Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, Health Sciences and Dentistry.

Call text

Health and Biosciences Doctoral programme - Internal Call for Proposals for Field Specific Courses and other Doctoral Training Activities 2024

Health and Biosciences Doctoral Programme (HBS-DP) will allocate funding to be used during the year 2023 to organize doctoral training courses or other training activities within the following Doctoral Degree Programmes: Medicine, Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, Health Sciences and Dentistry.

The proposed doctoral training activities may comprise field-specific courses, symposia, workshops or alike targeted mainly to doctoral researchers. Joint or methodological courses suitable for several disciplines and courses/events arranged in local, national or international cooperation are also applicable. Courses and trainings can be organized as online, face-to-face or hybrid.

Practical arrangements of the course are expected to be taken care of by the responsible course organizer. All cost covered by the doctoral programme (DP) funding must be accepted by the DP beforehand.

ECTS credits from the courses should be defined in the proposal according to UniOGS recommendations. The proposal should contain lectures, possible reading materials or possible optional assignments thus the course could give minimum 0.5 credit points.

If the number of participants is limited, the priority is for the Health and biosciences doctoral researchers within the University of Oulu. All the doctoral researchers belonging to HBS-DP should be eligible to apply to the activity.


Course funding proposals can be submitted on a continuous basis. However, note that the available annual amount of the course funding is limited. Therefore, you are encouraged to apply for funding in the beginning of the year. Send your proposals via this link:

The persons responsible for the proposals will be informed of the decisions after the meeting of the doctoral programme committee (DPC). Training proposals should be submitted at least a week before the DPC meeting (meeting schedules).

Guidelines for acceptable costs and for budgeting
  • Direct costs related to running of the training activity (hourly rental costs for required equipment, video streaming, etc.)
  • Lecture fees for the external teachers (personnel of the University of Oulu cannot receive any extra salary): Please see the guidelines for teaching fees in Patio (
  • Travelling and accommodation costs for external teachers invited to Oulu
  • Other relevant justified expenses
  • Funds may not be used for the purchase of any equipment or infrastructure. No daily allowances are covered
Further information
  • All funded proposals are required to be reported to HBS-DP after the course activity is completed.
  • For further information concerning the call, please contact the HBS-DP coordinator Emmi Alakärppä (firstname.lastname (at)