Course: Catalyst preparation and characterization
Place: TBC
Extent: 5 ECTS

The course contains both lectures and practical work. Due to the limitations in the laboratory, 15 students will be accepted in the order of registration. The the course will be given by prof. Rachid Brahmi, prof. Abdelouahab El Hadrami from University of Chouaïb Doukkali, Morocco and N.N. from University of Poitiers, France. More detailed agenda of the course will be published later.
- Introduction
- Catalyst Structure and Synthesis (precipitation, hydrothermal, sol-gel procedures, shaped catalysts)
- Quest for precision of supported catalysts
- ‘Elementary Steps ‘of Catalyst Synthesis
- Characterisation of catalysts (thermal, structural, textural, oxidative and acid-base properties,..)
Practical work
- Preparation of support and catalysts by different techniques
- Characterizations of prepared supports and catalysts (XRD, N2-physisorption, thermal analysis, NH3-thermodesorption and SEM)
Please register in the course in this link latest on October 21, 2021. Please note that the number of participants is limited to 15 based on the registration date. Participants are informed about the acceptance latest on August 20, 2021.
For more information, please contact University Researcher Satu Ojala (
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* Supported by: Technology and Natural Sciences doctoral Program *