TNS-DP research plan seminars
Research plan seminars arranged by TNS-DP provide tools for active participation in scientific conferences, introduces multidisciplinary approach and research items, and provides possibilities for networking.
TNS-DP offers a research plan seminar possibility twice a year in connection with relevant multidisciplinary seminars when possible:
- Spring term: one to two days; when possible in connection with a related seminar
- Autumn term: in connection with a Kvantum seminar with varying theme
Both seminars are open to all researcher presentations in all fields, in addition to research plan presentations by doctoral researchers. The program includes also keynotes and a workshop.
Call for abstracts, registrations and program at each course web page (links from the TNS-DP calendar of events)
The course aims to provide tools for active participation in scientific conferences, to introduce multidisciplinary approach and research items, and provide possibilities for networking. Usually it is organized in connection with a scientific seminar with varying theme.
- Teaching methods: Contact learning, work on own, assignments
- Workload: 1-4 cr
- Course codes: research plan seminar codes according to the doctoral degree programs
- Responsible teacher: Riitta Kamula
- Registrations in the course via the web-form in each course page
In the seminar, the doctoral researchers should introduce their research plan / research and expose it to comments, as well as comment the presentations of other participants. The seminar may also include scientific workshops. The goals are to give tools for active participation in scientific conferences, to introduce multidisciplinary approach and research items, and to provide possibilities for networking.
The for successful completion of the course includes preparation and submission of an abstract, public presentation of the research in a form of an oral or poster presentation, and acting as an opponent in the seminar. The number of granted credits depends on the amount of participation and additional work.
Abstract and the related oral / poster presentation should introduce the planned doctoral research or a part of it. The abstracts are confidential and they will be forwarded only to the course participants.
Abstract submission deadlines are announced for each seminar separately. The abstracts (from one to four pages) about your research / research plan should be formulated using the given template (includes instructions). The template is structured according to the UniOGS instructions for a research plan.
Please submit your abstract (with preference of oral/poster presentation) as a word or pdf file, including possible figures and tables, by e-mail to riitta.kamula (at)
The deadline for abstract submission as well as the date of notification of acceptance is announced in each course webpage.
The presentation can be either an oral or a poster presentation. Oral presentation include preparation of a powerpoint presentation, poster presentation a digital or printed poster (size A0).
Time for each oral presentation is in total usually 20 minutes, and time for each poster presentations is usually in total 10 to 15 minutes. Please be prepared to respond to comments and questions addressed to you.