Laboratory Animal Centre
Oulu Laboratory Animal Centre (OULAC) is a part of the infrastructure platform, responsible for laboratory animals services. OULAC provides animals and facilities for animal experimentation and advices in research using animals. These services are provided for researches at the University of Oulu and the Oulu University Hospital, and for external clients according to separate agreements.

Oulu Laboratory Animal Centre maintains high-quality animals either produced in OULAC or ordered from external breeders. Researchers are assisted in planning and implementing animal experiments as well as in training in practical procedures.
The 3Rs principles are the ethical guidance for the work at OULAC:
REFINEMENT – Animal breeding, care and procedures are done in the best possible way to ensure animal welfare
REDUCTION – The number of animals used in projects is reduced to a minimum
REPLACEMENT – The use of animals is replaced whenever possible
The culture of care is a key principle in all the work. Our values are animal welfare, personnel welfare and ethical service.