Adel Nikjoo
Doctoral Researcher
Adel Nikjoo is a doctoral researcher in tourism geography at the University of Oulu. He currently focuses on the Gen Z project. Through the lens of evolutionary economic geography, Adel tries to reflect the development of tourism in Iran, its complexities, sustainability issues, and the role of younger generations in communities' adaptation to changes.
Although Adel has some expertise in quantitative methods, his research mostly has a qualitative orientation. Adel always tries to solve real-world problems in his works. Given the increasing role of social media in our lives, Adel undertook some researches on online self and sharing behavior. During the presence of ISIS in 2014, he traveled to Iraq to do anthropological research on pilgrims who endangered their lives by participating in one of the most dangerous pilgrimages in the world. He also published two papers about Iranian women to reflect their travel behavior and their needs. He has some experience in the travel industry as well.
Adel is open to collaborating in works related to his research interests.
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Phone number
Visiting address
Pentti Kaiteran katu 1
Geography Research Unit
Postal address
FI-90014 University of Oulu