Ainur Elmgren
University lecturer
Didactics of history and social studies
Teacher education, school and society
Faculty of Education and Psychology

I am Associate Professor (docent) in Nordic history (title awarded by Åbo Akademi University, 2020). In 2008, I defended my dissertation at Lund University, a study of images of Sweden in the Finnish press 1918-1939. Subsequently, I worked at the University of Helsinki as a postdoctoral researcher and in various teaching positions in 2011-2020. My research projects were affiliated with multidisciplinary research units, such as the Centre for European Studies at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Helsinki, and the Centre for Nordic Studies (CENS) at the Faculty of Humanities.
The topics of my research deal with the history of ideas and identities as well as the history of minorities. I am interested in conceptual history, and I have applied it to the study of the concept of populism in Finnish political discourse. I am currently a member of the research project Whose city?, which is financed by the Kone Foundation. In this project, I study how visual culture was used to address problems and inequalities in urban space as well as hopes and fears about future that the transformative period of the 1960s and 1970s triggered in city planning and urban traffic.
In addition to research and teaching, I draw comics.
Research interests
- Conceptual history
- Minority history
- Urban history
- Didactics of history and social studies
- Identities
Researcher information
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