Anastasia Emelyanova
Postdoctoral Researcher
demography and population changes, societal ageing, Arctic health, One health, social policy

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher, Thule Institute, University of Oulu & University of the Arctic, Finland (2017-). I am also the Vice-Lead of the UArctic Thematic Network on Health and Well-being (2018-) and Arctic Five Chair in Healthy Ageing and One Health (2022-2024). My research interests include demography and population changes across the Arctic region, northern health and well-being, One Health and policy in respective fields. I hold several academic degrees from the University of Oulu in Finland (latest PhD in Arctic Health, Faculty of Medicine, 2015) and Northern Arctic Federal University (Social Work) in Russia. I am a coordinator to the project that has received funding from The Nordic Arctic Co-operation Programme, administered by NAPA and Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland, entitled “Arctic Healthy Aging communities: Safe and inclusive outdoor environment and public spaces (The Nordic AHA-Communities, 2023-2026). I am also an invited author to many international projects such as INTERACT, ClinfGreen, One Health course, and others.
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