Anita Poturalska
Doctoral Researcher
Anita Poturalska is a doctoral researcher in Physical Geography and Geoinformatics Research Groups. Her work focuses on mapping the spatial and temporal characteristics of ecosystem services at different scales. Anita's expertise lies in spatial analysis, conceptualization of ecosystem service mapping and understanding the application of these concepts in practice. Exploring the human-environment relationship and the sustainable consumption of natural resources are Anita’s main research interests. Her doctoral research is a part of AccESS project.
Poturalska is also working in Global Food project, which studies the global accessibility of food resources.
Research interests
- Ecosystem services
- Accessibility
- Provisioning services
- Cultural services
- Multiscale mapping approaches
Researcher information

Contact information
Postal address
P.O. Box 3000
FI-90014 University of Oulu