Anna Vatanen
PhD, Title of docent

I am a linguist and conversation analyst, and I use conversation analytic and interactional linguistic methods in my research. I am interested in the linguistic and bodily practices that people use when interacting with each other in various situations and settings. I am also interested in the resources and structures of social interaction. The phenomena I have worked on include multiactivity situations in the everyday life of families with small children, silent moments in interaction, units of language, turn taking in conversation and the timing of turns, and epistemics in interaction. I worked in 8/2017-2/2022 as a postdoctoral researcher in the iTask project within the COACT research community. Currently I work as a researcher at the University of Helsinki. I am also affiliated with the University of Oulu.
Research interests
- Talk, grammar and embodied behavior in social interaction
- Finnish language, Estonian language
- Conversation analysis, interactional linguistics, multimodal interaction analysis
- Video-based research methods
- Comparative research of talk-in-interaction between different languages
Researcher information
Researcher profiles
Contact information
Postal address
Faculty of Humanities
English Philology
P.O.Box 1000
FI-90014 University of Oulu