Anu Tuomela
PhD Researcher
Doctoral researcher, Digimentor
luminescence spectroscopy, optical emission spectroscopy in steelmaking, counselling, digitalization
Me as a creative researcher and a passionate expert in higher education
I work as a doctoral researcher in the Nano and Molecular Systems Research Unit. I am genuinely a interdisciplinary researcher - my research spans from the world of experimental physics to the education and academic mentoring. I also work as a digimentor in the Faculty of Science.
As a digimentor I serve as an expert in digital pedagogy and a coordinator for the Faculty of Science’s digitalization program, collaborating with university education and faculty specialists. Together as a digimentor team, we engage in university-wide initiatives, including the university’s AI policies. University teachers can turn to me for support in areas such as:
- Planning and designing face-to-face, hybrid, or online courses with high-quality digital pedagogy.
- Selecting, building, and guiding the use of learning platforms and digital tools that enhance learning, such as Moodle, Howspace, Thinglink, and Yuja.
- Recording and editing learning materials, as well as utilizing learning analytics from videos.
- Providing guidance on topics such as AI, accessibility, and implementing the service.
In physics, my research focuses on utilizing visible light emission, or luminescence, in materials research, as well as applying optical spectroscopy during the steel production process. In the field of education, my research is related to counselling students in higher education.
Recent peer-reviewed scientific publications
Luminescence in material research
Optical spectroscopy in steelmaking
Counselling in higher education
Tuomela, A., Nurmijärvi, A., Harmoinen, S. (2020). Tapaustutkimus omaopettajaohjauksen tarpeista osana holistisen ohjausmallin mukaista ohjausverkostoa korkeakoulussa, Yliopistopedagogiikka. 1/2020.
Timonen, L., Tuomela, A., Oikarinen, H., Harmoinen, S., (2021). Omaopettajaohjauksen merkityksiä ja kyseenalaistamisia kiinnittymisen viitekehyksessä. Yliopistopedagogiikka. 1/2021.
Let’s smile and chat when we meet!
Research interests
- Luminescence research
- Optical emission spectroscopy in steelmaking
- Adult counselling
Researcher information
Contact information
Visiting address
Room: BF 101-17
Postal address