Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola
regional policy and regional development, human geography, border studies

Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola is a professor in human geography, specializing in regional development and regional policy. Her research and teaching interest include political geography, regional and border region research, political borders, security and securitization, regional resilience and the politics of mobilities (labour mobility, migration, tourism). She has published widely in leading international human geography and interdisciplinary social science journals such as Political Geography, Antipode, Environment and Planning, Social and Cultural Geography, Citizenship Studies, ACME, Tourism Geographies, and European Urban and Regional Studies.
She is currently leading a research project on Cross-border resilience (Eudaimonia 2022-2025) and a work package on border landscapes as part of B-Shapes (Borders shaping perceptions of Europe) research consortium (Horizon Europe 2023-2026).
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