Ekaterina Gilman
D.Sc. (Tech)
Postdoctoral researcher
Center for Ubiquitous Computing
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Ekaterina Gilman, D.Sc. (Tech.), is a postdoctoral researcher supported by the Academy of Finland at the Center for Ubiquitous Computing. Her research interests include data analytics, context modeling and reasoning, and machine learning in ubiquitous computing, IoT, and data-intensive systems. She has also worked as a visiting researcher in Northern Finland Biobank Borealis and Centre for Health and Technology, Oulu, Finland. She has been involved as PI and researcher in several research projects funded by European Regional Development Fund, Business Finland, Academy of Finland, EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Ekaterina Gilman actively participates in the research community as a reviewer for international journals, organizer and program committee member of scientific workshops and conferences. She has over 30 publications in international journals and conferences.
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