Erich Berger
Doctoral Researcher
art, cultural anthropology, art and science, anthropocene, deep time and deep futures
History, Culture and Communication Studies
Faculty of Humanities

Erich Berger is a doctoral researcher, artist and curator based in Helsinki. He currently works at the University of Oulu in Finland, where he conducts interdisciplinary research into how artists approach temporalities beyond human-centred time, combining cultural anthropology, geology and art. Throughout his artistic practice, he has explored the materiality of information and information and technology as artistic material. His current artistic focus lies on issues of deep time and hybrid ecology which led him to work with geological processes, radiogenic phenomena and their socio-political implications in the here and now. In his fieldwork-based practice, he carries out extensive work on natural radioactivity, potential uranium mining sites and nuclear infrastructure in Finland and abroad, resulting in works like Inheritance (2016), Open Care (2017), Spectral Landscapes (2021 - ongoing) and Landscape Machines (2023 - ongoing). As curator he develops opportunities that create critical transdisciplinary encounters and work situations between professionals from art, natural science, technology and the humanities, recognizing science and technology as fundamental transformative powers of our life world. Berger has exhibited widely in museums, galleries and major media-art events in Europe and worldwide. For more information visit .
Research interests
- artistic practices as laboratories for futuring
- politics of temporal scale
- intergenerational justice, care, responsability and ethics
- human and more-than-human futures
- geologic deep time and deep futures
Researcher information
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