Esa Törmänen
Doctoral researcher
Values, Ideologies and Social Contexts of Education
Faculty of Education and Psychology

In my doctoral research I will examine how innovative northern education export ecosystems can be developed in regional, national and transnational contexts. As of now little research has been done on the northern/Nordic education export ecosystems, and thus there is an evident need for topical and relevant research data on top of which the cooperation between different regional, national and transnational players can be built.
By examining diverse northern education export ecosystems, my research aims at providing a holistic and realistic understanding of the development hindrances and possibilities in different contexts. It also aims to discover whether there are any universal, context-independent ecosystem characteristics that promote co-creation between members, and thus foster the creation of high-quality education services and solutions.
I'm currently examining how the PINO Network can be developed as a regional education export ecosystem.
Contact information
Phone number
Visiting address
Faculty of Education
Linnanmaa campus (G entrance)
Postal address
PO Box 2000