Florence Naillat
Senior Researcher, Adj. Prof
Disease Networks
Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine

Dr Naillat received her PhD degree in 2011 in the field of developmental biology by understanding Wnt4 signalling in kidney and gonad development. She went for her post-doctoral training in Dr Kelsey’s laboratory, Babraham Institute (Cambridge, UK). She learnt sequencing methods and acquired expertise on epigenetic mechanisms during adult female germ cells. After nearly 3-years in UK as an Academy of Finland post-doctoral fellow, she joined FBMM. Dr Naillat’s research focuses on multidisciplinary fields combining human samples and molecular biology by establishing a translational project with Oulu University Hospital. Her research aims to identify new genetic markers of women fertility and cystic kidney diseases where Wnt signalling is involved, to develop humanised models and to contribute to the development of new treatment, drugs.
Research interests
- Epigenetic mechanisms during reproduction and early development, Single cell omic, Metabolism, obesity
- kidney organoids, fibrosis
- Wnt signaling
Researcher information
Researcher profiles
Contact information
Visiting address
FI-90220 Oulu
Postal address
P.O.Box 5000,
FI-90014 University of Oulu