Hannele Lampela
D.Sc. (Tech.), M.Sc. (Econ.)
Senior Research Fellow
Information-driven Management, Information and knowledge management

D.Sc. (Tech.), docent Hannele Lampela is a Senior Research Fellow in Industrial Engineering and Management research unit at the University of Oulu. Her area of specialization is Information-driven Management, and her current research interests focus on digital and information-driven transformation in different industries, knowledge and competence management on organizational and individual levels, and collaboration in inter-organizational networks and projects.
Research interests
- industrial transformation
- twin transition
- virtual work
- knowledge work
- information systems
- competence management
- organizational learning
- collaboration
- R&D
- innovation
- value creation
- networks
- business models
- platform economy
Researcher information
Researcher profiles
Contact information
Phone number
0294482006 / +358 40 738 0238
Visiting address
University of Oulu
Industrial Engineering and Management
Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu, 90570 Oulu
Industrial Engineering and Management
Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu, 90570 Oulu
Postal address
University of Oulu
Industrial Engineering and Management
P.O. Box 4610, 90014 University of Oulu
Industrial Engineering and Management
P.O. Box 4610, 90014 University of Oulu