Heini Hakosalo

Senior Research Fellow, Associate Professor (dosentti)
History of Sciences and Ideas

History, Culture and Communication Studies
Faculty of Humanities

Heini Hakosalo

I specialise in modern and contemporary history of medicine and health. My most important research projects have dealt with the history of brain sciences, the history of medical education and gender, and the history of tuberculosis, and the history of epidemiological knowledge-production, particularly by means of birth cohort studies. My current research project investigates the interconnections between urban planning and epidemic disease control in history. These research projects all highlight, in their different ways, the interaction between social context on the one hand and medico-scientific thought and practice on the other hand.

Research interests

  • History of medicine and health
  • History modern professions
  • Urban history

Researcher information

Researcher profiles

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Phone number


Visiting address

Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, 90570 Oulu

Postal address

Faculty of Humanities
P.O.Box 8000
FI-90014 Oulu