Heli Siltala

University lecturer

Faculty of Education and Psychology

My main research area is domestic violence and its health effects. I have studied domestic violence since 2012, and I also have practical experience on working with survivors and perpetrators of domestic violence. As a psychologist I have worked with various mental health problems and are well-versed in client motivation. In addition to domestic violence, I’m also interested in clinical psychology, mental health, psychotherapy and psychological interventions. Most of my research has utilized quantitative methods, but I also have experience on qualitative methods and mixed-method research. In my research and teaching I aim to combine individual and societal perspectives, reflecting my background in social sciences.

Research interests

  • Psychology
  • Domestic violence
  • Mental health
  • Psychotherapy
  • Quantitative methods
  • Qualitative methods

Researcher information

Researcher profiles

Picture of Heli Siltala

Contact information



Phone number

+358 50 342 7652

Visiting address

Linnanmaa FY269
