Janne Lehtomäki

Janne J. Lehtomäki received the Doctorate degree from the University of Oulu, Finland, in 2005. Currently, he is an Adjunct Professor at the Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu. In Fall 2013, he spent the semester at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA, as a Visiting Scholar. He is focusing on spectrum measurements and terahertz band. He is also an Editorial Board Member of Physical Communication. He has coauthored the paper receiving the Best Paper Award in IEEE WCNC 2012. He was the General Co-Chair of IEEE WCNC 2017 International Workshop on Smart Spectrum, the TPC Co-Chair for IEEE WCNC 2015 and 2016 International Workshop on Smart Spectrum, and the Publicity/Publications Co-Chair for ACM NANOCOM 2015, 2016, and 2017. He has served as a Guest Associate Editor for the IEICE Transactions on Communications Special Section (February 2014 and July 2017) and as a Managing Guest Editor for Nano Communication Networks Special Issue (June 2016).

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