Jari Joutsenvaara
Project manager
Mine re-use, Regional Development, Funding schemes, Underground Physics, Environmental radiation, H&S

Jari Joutsenvaara is an experienced international project manager, currently working with three EU-funded Horizon projects. He is coordinator for Horizon Europe AGEMERA project, and project partner and trial site coordinator for Horizon Europe MINE.IO and H2020 Goldeneye projects.
His research focuses on the post-mining reuse of mine sites and the possibility of already initiating the reuse process while the mine is still active. Understanding the mine site characteristics is a key parameter for analysing the reuse possibilities. He contributes actively to underground physics and environmental radiation characterisation and research. Rising themes include health and safety, analogue astronaut missions and space topics.
He is an experienced Project Researcher and Laboratory Engineer with a decade-long history of working on various research projects. He is skilled in R&D, Health and Safety, Underground Physics, and Regional Development. Through PhD studies at the Oulu Mining School, he is now widening his skill spectrum into mine re-purposing and social licensing.
Current projects include
- AGEMERA (Horizon Europe, project coordinator)
- MINE.IO (Horizon Europe, project partner and trial site coordinator)
- GoldenEye (H2020, project partner and trial site coordinator)
- Callio Lab – Underground research infrastructure (research coordinator)
- Multidisciplinary International Moon Assessment Group (vice coordinator)
Past projects
- Nordic EPOS (Nordic Ministeriet, project partner)
- Kaivasu (EAKR, project researcher, end-phase project manager)
- Empowering Underground Laboratory network usage (Interreg BSR, project lead)
- Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network (Interreg BSR, project lead)
- European Underground Laboratories Association (chair of the board)
- Virtual Muography Institute (global, member)
- Arctic Planetary Science Institute (Finland, member)
- Co-founder and board member of Muon Solutions Oy
He comments on the research, research politics and international cooperation in Twitter. Opinions are his own.
Researcher information
Contact information
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Visiting address
Postal address