Jasmiini Fransala

MSc in Political Science, Bachelor of Social Sciences
Doctoral researcher: Cultural Anthropology
environmental anthropology, arctic areas, natural resources, sustainable development, social justice, green transitions

History, Culture and Communication Studies
Faculty of Humanities


Jasmiini Fransala (MSc in Political Science) is a doctoral researcher in cultural anthropology at the University of Oulu. Her home, heart and work are all located in the circumpolar North. Fransala’s research work can be situated in the field of environmental anthropology. Her key research interests include different dimensions of social justice, challenges connected to natural resource extraction and governance, sustainable development and green transitions, environmental risks and, overall, the intertwining of cultural and environmental changes. For the most part, Fransala’s research focuses on rural areas and their means of livelihood.

In her doctoral dissertation Fransala studies how mining has impacted women’s lives and the local culture and environment in the Kivalliq region of Nunavut (self-governing Inuit territory in arctic Canada). Fransala focuses especially on the distribution of impacts and benefits of the extractive developments and their connections to fairness. Her fieldwork took place in Rankin Inlet.

Fransala began her doctoral research in an interdisciplinary Nordic Centre of Excellence called REXSAC (Resource Extraction & Sustainable Arctic Communities), which studied extractive industries as cultural, social, economic, and ecological phenomena.

Currently Fransala works for the JUSTGREEN project, which focuses on land use justice for green transitions.

Both REXSAC and FLIARA have been funded by Nordforsk.

Fransala has also been involved in an EU Horizon project called FLIARA, which studies women-led innovations in agriculture and rural areas.

Researcher information

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Visiting address

Cultural Anthropology
Pentti Kaiteran katu 1
90014 Oulu

Postal address

Cultural Anthropology
PL 3000
90014 Oulun yliopisto