Jatin Sethi
MSc. (Tech.)
Doctoral Student
Nanocellulose based hybrid materials

Jatin Sethi is a Doctoral student in Fibre and particle engineering research unit since 2015. He conducts research on nanocellulose based hybrid materials. Currently, he is working on finding replacement for petroleum based materials by natural occurring materials such as cellulose and lignin. In particular, he works on cellulose nanopaper, with the aim of improving the wet properties and preparation time. His expertise include polymeric materials, polymer chemistry, cellulose based materials, biocomposites. Jatin was awarded M.Sc. (Tech.) with distinction in Material Science from Tampere University of Technology in 2015, which was also acknowdeged by P. Kettusen foundation as outstanding work.
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Postal address
PO Box 4300 FIN-90014
University of Oulu, Finland