Jenni Turunen

Postdoctoral researcher
Microbiota research

Research Unit of Clinical Medicine
Faculty of Medicine

Biocenter Oulu

I'm a postdoctoral researcher in the University of Oulu, Faculty of Medicine, Research Unit of Clinical Medicine. I'm a microbiota researcher who has specialized in the human microbiota especially in the gut. In my doctoral thesis, published in 2023, I researched the effects of prenatal and birth factors on the gut microbiota of newborn and young infants. As a postdoctoral researcher I have continued studying the human microbiota, including the composition of microbiota of different body sites during pregnancy and in relation to different health conditions. My research also involves microbiota-derived extracellular vesicles and their effects on human health. In analyzing sequencing data I use conventional bioinformatic methods as well as machine learning.

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Kieppi 2nd floor
Aapistie 5A, 90220 Oulu