Jukka Kömi

Dr. (Tech)
Professor, Head of Materials and Mechanical Engineering Unit
steels, physical metallurgy, mechanical metallurgy, high-strength steels, microstructures

Materials and Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Technology

Physical Simulation using Gleeble 3500

I have experienced in steel business management, production, mechanical properties, and applications, including strong competence in managing research and development organisations. Since 2016, I have headed the Materials and Mechanical Engineering unit and Centre for Advanced Steels Research (CASR). I am a member of European Steel Technology Platform (ESTEP), Association of German Steel Manufacturers (VDEh), the Association of Finnish Steel and Metal Producers, International Institute of Welding (IIW), and Chairman of the Welding Society of Finland. However, physical metallurgy of ultrahigh-strength steels is my interest and hobby on which I have more than 170 publications.

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University of Oulu

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University of Oulu
P.O. Box 4200, FI-90014 UNIVERSITY OF OULU, Finland