Kaisa-Mari Saarela

I am a university teacher and a PhD candidate at the university of Oulu in the Research unit of Nursing Science and Health Management. I’m working on rehabilitation studies (ProRehabilitation- project), Master’s studies and with GeroNursing Centre (GNC) which is a research and competence centre on restorative care of older adults. My previous professional background is in physiotherapy and especially in the rehabilitation of the older adults, which I worked on for several years. In my PhD thesis I study the effectiveness of reablement on the functional ability and quality of life of older adults.

Research Interests

  • Functional ability, quality of life and well-being of older adults
  • Reablement, restorative care
  • Rehabilitation
  • ICF



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Visiting address

Hoitotieteen ja terveyshallintotieteen tutkimusyksikkö
Aapistie 5 A
90220 Oulu