Kirsi Yliniva
PhD researcher
Early Childhood Education, Childhood studies, the Anthropocene
Values, Ideologies and Social Contexts of Education
Faculty of Education and Psychology
My PhD research focuses on possibilities and problems for political agency of the child in the Era of the Anthropocene, which is characterised by human made destruction in the Earth, such as global environmental emergency. I am interested in what kind of agency of child is fabricated as ideal in the future of Education connected to the Anthropocene. I’m especially interested in ‘subject-making’ implications of discourses and policies connected to the Anthropocene and future of Education. My approach to these problems is informed by Foucauldian accounts of (bio)power and governance.
Research interests
- The Anthropocene
- Political agency and subjectivity
- Early Childhood Education, Childhood studies
- Biopower and biopolitics
- Neoliberal governance
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