Lassi Björnholm


A postdoctoral researcher in neuroscience, Lassi Björnholm studies human brain development in relation to prenatal and childhood factors, including maternal thyroid and inflammation status and offspring behaviour and psychiatric symptoms. He uses structural and diffusion brain imaging data in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986 and 1966 and in cohort consortia. His work includes processing brain scans, statistics, writing manuscripts and supervision. Lassi's work in neuroscience is most influenced by masters in Biophysics (2013, University of Oulu) and the framework of Population Neuroscience via mentorship of Prof. Tomáš Paus (University of Toronto) and close collaboration with the Generation R cohort (Erasmus University Rotterdam). An MD specialising in psychiatry, Lassi's interests are in child and youth psychiatry and psychoanalysis. Working in Juha Veijola Group.

Research interests

  • Early predictors of human brain development
  • Brain structural and diffusion neuroimaging and microstructural techniques
  • Birth cohorts, consortia and epidemiology
  • Immune and thyroid function
  • Behaviour and psychiatric symptoms

Researcher information

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Visiting address

Psykiatrian klinikka, PT1
Peltolantie 17
90220 Oulu