Leena Ruha
Statistics and applied mathematics

I'm a statistician/mathematician, with special interests in Bayesian modelling, spatial data-analysis, time series analysis, scale space methods and location-allocation problems.
I earned the Licentiate of Philosophy degree in 2006, with major in statistics. My Licensiate thesis was conducted in collaboration with Nokia Communications and was focused on the usability of touch screens.
I earned the Doctor of Philosophy degree in 2012, with major in applied mathematics. My doctoral dissertation is related to Bayesian image analysis with applications on remote sensing.
After the defence, I have worked with developing new statistical methodology but also worked with scientists from many fields on analyzing their data. Especially, I have been working with palaeoecologists for understanding the forest ecosystem over the last 3000 years and with forest scientists for understanding the structure of boreal forests.
Currently, my work is related to the 5th generation mobile network (5G) research as I’m working as a researcher in the MEC-AI project where the aim is to enhance edge computing by artificial intelligence.
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