Marja Lindholm
Post-doctoral researcher
I am a biogeographer working in GloBioTrends project funded by Academy of Finland. In my research, I seek to understand how biodiversity has changed over time and what the underlying processes causing the changes are. Impact of anthropogenic activities on biodiversity and long-term field sampling and monitoring form the core of my research. I am interested in a wide variety of freshwater organisms and environments at different spatial and temporal scales.
I completed my doctoral studies in the Physical Geography Research Group, and I studied biodiversity patterns of aquatic plant communities in small boreal lakes in relation to environmental change.
You can find my PhD thesis here: Lindholm. M. (2021). Spatial and temporal trends in different dimensions of macrophyte biodiversity in boreal lakes. Nordia Geographical Publications 50: 1, 1-63.
Here are some of my publications:
Lindholm, M., Alahuhta, J., Heino, J. & Toivonen, H. (2021). Temporal beta diversity of lake plants is determined by concomitant changes in environmental factors across decades. Journal of Ecology 109: 819–832.
Lindholm, M., Alahuhta, J., Heino, J., Hjort, J. & Toivonen, H. (2020). Changes in the functional features of macrophyte communities and driving factors across a 70-year period. Hydrobiologia, 847: 3811–3827. (Open access)
Lindholm, M., Alahuhta, J., Heino, J., & Toivonen, H. (2020). No biotic homogenisation across decades but consistent effects of landscape position and pH on macrophyte communities in boreal lakes. Ecography, 42: 294–305. (Open access)
Research interests
- Biodiversity changes
- Macroecology
- Community ecology
- Aquatic environments
- Aquatic plants
- Macroinvertebrates
Researcher information
Contact information
Postal address
PL 8000
FI-90014 University of Oulu