Mervi Heikkinen
Title of Docent, PhD
University Researcher
Values, Ideologies and Social Contexts of Education
Faculty of Education and Psychology

In my development-oriented career mainly in European projects during past 20 years, I have built up a theoretical and methodological background in understanding and strengthening human participation in the shaping and making of digital futurities through e-learning, e-work and e-research. The projects are related to gender equality promotion in education and labor market, gender equality and diversity planning, gender desegregation, gender equality work within organisations, gender and sexual violence and its prevention, sexist harassment and its prevention. Theoretically, my research builds on feminist research approaches that emphasise people’s empowerment and inclusion in society in general – specifically, intersectional gender equality. Context of my research is northern Europe – Arctic North - as academic intelligence is taking a digi-leap while attempting to sustain democracy - the most valuable and vulnerable cultural heritage of Europe. The focus of my current research is on strengthening the possibilities to research the needs, potentials, affordances and social and ethical challenges in a Technology-Rich University.
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