Mika Huuhtanen
University Lecturer
Environmental and Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Technology

Mika Huuhtanen is Docent in Chemical process engineering especially applied heterogeneous catalysis. He work in the Environmental and Chemical Engineering Research unit as universty lecturer. His research interests are in catalytic processes and emission mitigation, material characterization, renewable energy especially hydrogen and carbon dioxide use, and cleantech technologies.
Research interests
- Hydrogen production and use
- Carbon dioxide utilization, P2X
- Emission treatment
Researcher information
Contact information
Phone number
+358 294 482377
Visiting address
Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu,
Entrance V2
90570 Oulu
Entrance V2
90570 Oulu
Postal address
Faculty of Technology
Environmental and Chemical Engineering
P.O.Box 4300
FI-90014 University of Oulu
Environmental and Chemical Engineering
P.O.Box 4300
FI-90014 University of Oulu
Natural Sciences, Environment
Environmental technology
catalysis as process and environment technology
industrial waste water and mine water purification and treatment
industry and traffic emissions and air emission control
sustainable production methods and technologies
New materials, steel
circular economy