Minna Patanen
Associate Professor (Tenure Track)
Docentship in Synchrotron radiation excited spectroscopies

I got my PhD degree in 2010 from University of Oulu. My topic was “Electron spectroscopic studies of the electronic structure of some metal atoms and alkali halide molecules”. From 2011 to 2015 I worked as a researcher at Synchrotron SOLEIL, focusing on photoelectron and photoabsorption studies of gas-phase clusters and nanoparticles. In September 2015 I moved back to University of Oulu, and I worked as an Academy Research Fellow from 2016 to 2021 (Project “Characterization of free-standing nanomaterials using novel light sources”). In 2020, I got a tenure track position in the associate professor level in the University of Oulu profiling area Inorganic Side Streams, and my work is related to advanced characterisation of inorganic materials. My emerging project "SoftXMed" at Biocenter Oulu (2018-2022) allowed me to also study organic materials, as we were investigating possibilities of soft X-ray spectromicroscopic methods for biomaterials analysis.
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