Mohammad Tavakolian

Mohammad Tavakolian

Mohammad Tavakolian received the BSc. and MSc. degrees in Electronics Engineering from Tafresh University, Iran. Currently, he is a doctoral researcher at the Center for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis (CMVS), University of Oulu. He has published several papers in top conferences and journals such as ICCV, ECCV, IJCV, etc. He also serves as a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing and Pattern Recognition Letters. His research interests include computer vision, machine learning and deep learning, biometrics and behavior analysis, pattern recognition, and healthcare.

Researcher information

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Contact information


Phone number

(00358) 469 685 229

Visiting address

Center for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis
TS322, Door E, Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu 3
90570 Oulu

Postal address

Center for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis
P.O. Box 4500
FI-90014 University of Oulu

Internal mail: 9CSE