Oona Leppiniemi

Doctoral researcher

Faculty of Science

Pictrure of Oona Könönen at the University of Oulu

I am a doctoral researcher in the Physical Geography Research Lab, specializing in Arctic and subarctic environments and the impacts of climate change on permafrost landforms. My research focuses on palsa mires across the Northern Hemisphere, investigating their distribution, ecological dynamics, and responses to climate change at multiple scales—from circumpolar patterns to localized processes.

I am particularly interested in understanding how geomorphological and ecological processes in northern environments are changing under a warming climate. My research contributes to a broader understanding of permafrost degradation and its implications for the geo- and biodiversity of these fragile ecosystems.

In addition to research, I have been actively involved in teaching and developing physical geography education.

Research interests

  • permafrost
  • palsa mires
  • climate change
  • biogeography
  • geodiversity

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Visiting address

Pentti Kaiteran katu 1
Geography Research Unit
Room FY323-1
FI-90014 University of Oulu

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