Outi Kähkönen
University teacher, post doctoral researcher
Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology
Faculty of Medicine

I have defended my doctoral thesis in health sciences in 2017. After that, I have worked as a university teacher and post doc researcher at the Nursing and Health Management Research Unit. I have versatile experience of the cardiovascular nursing and development of patient education and care pathways. As a researcher I am particular interested in the cardiac patients’ adherence to treatment.
Research interests
- Adherence to treatment, cardiology nursing, patients with chronic diseases
Researcher information
Research groups
Researcher profiles
Contact information
Visiting address
Aapistie 5 A
90220 Oulu
90220 Oulu
Postal address
Research Unit of Nursing Science and Health Management
PL 5000
90014 Oulun yliopisto
PL 5000
90014 Oulun yliopisto