Outi Kulusjärvi
Post-doctoral researcher
Tourism geography

Outi Kulusjärvi is a human geographer specialized in critical tourism geography. In her PhD thesis, she combined the perspectives of critical (economic) geography with tourism research in order to study transformations towards sustainable and socially just tourism economies. The thesis is based on an ethnographic research conducted in two tourism destination communities in the Finnish North.
Outi's overall research interest is to advance social geographical perspectives on sustainability transformations and to seek new economic futures. To do this, she draws on poststructural political economy and political agency research. In her future work, Outi wishes to study these topics in the context of sparsely populated areas in the North where diverse understanding on desired economic futures currently coexist.
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Contact information
Postal address
Maantieteen tutkimusyksikkö/Geography Research Unit
FI-90014 Oulun yliopisto/ University of Oulu