Pasi Karppinen
Postdoctoral Researcher
Behaviour Change Support Systems
Oulu Advanced Research on Service and Information Systems
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

I work as a postdoctoral researcher and a lecturer at the OASIS research group, Information Processing Science discipiline, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering.
I did my doctoral dissertation about user experiences of health behaviour change support systems. My most prominent studies are related to helping people to lose weight and maintain weight loss.
I am also a member of the 6G Flagship Post Doc team, and I do research in the Arctic 5G Test Network project (A5GTN). My goal is to study how bad connectivity affects on people's life in the rural areas in the Northern Finland (project is funded by Interreg Nord). You can participate by answering to our survey.
I did my master's degree in humanities, and I am fortunate enough to be working in the project Generation Z and beyond: Co-evolution of human capabilities and intelligent technologies in the 21st century (GenZ) till August 2020.
I am well connected with St. John’s Research Institute (SJRI), Bengaluru, which is ranked among the premier medical institutions in India. If you are interested in collaboration, please contact me.
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