Pauliina Rautio

Senior Research Fellow (Adj. Professor)
Multispecies education; environmental and sustainability education

Teachers, Teaching and Educational Communities
Faculty of Education and Psychology

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I am a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Oulu and an Adjunct Professor of Education at the University of Helsinki. I currently lead two large scale projects on child-animal relations: CitiRats (Academy of Finland; 2020‒24) and Fellow Feelings (2022‒25), the latter of which is externally evaluated as one of Oulu’s flagship projects in human sciences. I am also a senior scholar in the Biodiverse Anthropocenes research profiling area (Profi6 2021-2026). My transdisciplinary research team includes scholars of education, ecology, and biology. We also collaborate with artists working on science fiction literature and biological arts. We produce in-depth theoretical-empirical studies exploring processes of becoming and being human with other animals, combining ecological citizen science with education, human-animal studies and the arts, and utilising post-qualitative and multispecies (non-anthropocentric) methodologies.

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