Pekka Leviäkangas
PhD (tech.), PhD (Econ.)
Professor, Head of Civil Engineering

Pekka Leviäkangas (born in 1962, PhD in technology in 2007, PhD in economics in 2019) has worked in management and expert positions in civil service, business and research. He is currently Full Professor of Infrastructure and Transport at the University of Oulu. For 2015-2016 he acted as Associate Professor at Curtin University in the School of Built Environment, and Programme Director of the Australasian Centre for Building Information Modelling. He held positions of Principal Scientist, Team Leader and Customer Manager at VTT Ltd. for 2000-2019. He also worked in Finnish Railways (VR-Group Ltd) and Finnish Roads Administration. He is a life-long nominated Adjunct Professor (Docent) in Industrial Engineering and Management in the University of Oulu. His own research covers public-private partnerships, business ecosystems, resilience, digitalisation, servitisation, innovation management, impact analysis, financial & investment & socio-economic analysis. His primary research area is the transport sector, but his activities have extended to other fields such as health care, bioeconomy, climate change, meteorology, education, construction and infrastructure management.
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